Welcome to the second issue of Ardea, the multilingual short-form poetry journal.
Once again, we are delighted to bring you the work of poets writing in the modern traditions of haiku, tanka and haibun. This issue includes several new languages and contributors, and for the first time haiga and photo-haiku. All poems are presented in two or more languages, one of which is English.
John Kinory, editorAugust 2012
This issue could not have been published without the generous input of the poets who contributed to it. The same goes for the invaluable assistance provided by the language editors listed below, who resolved many of the difficulties inherent in translating any form of poetry butespecially the compact works presented on these pages. Our webmaster has performed miracles of coding and layout, all the more impressive given the wide variety of languages and alphabets involved. Many thanks to our sponsors who helped make Ardea possible.
Language editors: Edward Alaszewski, Gilles Fabre, Paula Gordon, Olena Grainger, Giovanni Guarnieri, Zlata Heller, Noriko Jones, Hiroe Kaji, Hugh Morgan, Rodica Popescu, Arlene Reyes,Llewelyn Thomas, Florence Vilén.
We gratefully acknowledge the linguistic and technical help provided by the following: MatthewBilski, Sachiko Matsushita Tytler, Matthew Wilcox.
Graphic design: Iwan Davies and John Kinory
Webmaster: Iwan Davies (
Sponsors: Alenka ZormanAnonymous
Ardea takes its name from the Latin and scientific name for the heron.
heron taking offgreyer than grey skysquawking
Colin Blundell
© 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. All material on this website, whether written or visual, is copyright ofits respective author/creator.All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced in any form without prior permission in writing.Web design and implementation by Iwan Davies and Luminita Suse.
Listed by poet
an’ya Serbian
Bjerg, Johannes Danish
Blundell, Colin Czech
Chen-ou Liu Chinese
Costa, L. Portuguese
Fay, Ignatius French
George, Beverley Japanese
Gabriels, Damien French
Grgurovič, Brane Slovenian
Karkow, Kirsty Japanese
Kitakubo, Mariko Japanese
Lindberg, Ola Swedish
Lovric, Tonka Croatian
Moldoveanu, Cristina-Monica Romanian
Nitrio, Nancy Italian
Novoseltcev, Gennady Russian
Oblak, Polona Slovenian
Potočnik, Tevž Slovenian
Reichhold, Jane Japanese
Rožić, Stjepan Croatian
Santiago, Ernesto Tagalog
Saračević, Edin Slovenian
Sionkowski, Grzegorz Polish
Suse, Luminita French
Tauchner, Dietmar German
Vukelic-Rožić, Djurdja Croatian
Wirth, Klaus-Dieter German
Yosano, Akiko Japanese
Zorman, Alenka Slovenian
Zabratyński, Rafał Polish
English and Serbian
Serbian translations by Saša Vasić
snowflakescrossing the riverbefore me
snežne pahuljeprelaze rekupre mene
deep woods the slow flow of a shallow creek
duboka šumaplitak potoklagano teče
an’ya’s haiku have been published worldwide in anthologies, journals and online, and translated into over 60 different languages. She is a former editor of World Haiku Club Beginners, former editor of haigaonline, and currently is the Oregon Regional Coordinator for the Haiku Society of America. Her haiku, tanka and haiga can be viewed on her website at
Johannes Bjerg
Danish and English
Both versions by the author
et tændt lys -med din stemmesiger jeg ingenting
a lit candle -with your voiceI say nothing
vintersolhverv få hundrede snefnug forsøger at landewinter solstice a few hundred
snowflakes trying to land
fjerne klokker den korteste dag opløses i tågedistant bells the shortest day dissolves
in fog
Johannes Bjerg is a Danish haijin writing in Danish and English simultaneously, in recognition of the universal character of haiku. In addition to his book Penguins / Pingviner (Cyberwit 2011), his work has been published in Modern Haiku, Roadrunner, Notes from the Gean, Fri Haiku, Presence and other journals. Johannes founded the collective blog Monostich for one-line haiku.
Colin Blundell
English and Czech
Czech translations by Marko Janicki
heron taking offgreyer than grey skysquawking
volavka vzlításedivejsí nez sedivé nebevrestí
from the train windowglimpses of village streetsI shall never tread
z okna vlakuzahlízím ulice vesnicekpo nichz nikdy nebudu krácet
long midnightowlin my empty dream-garden
dlouhá pulnocsovav mé prázdné zahrade snu
all night the moon movesround my librarybook by book
celou noc mesíc klouzepo mé knihovnekniha za knihou
striving to outlinethe shape of my feelingI fall back on houses
snazím se nacrtnouttvar mých pocituustupuji do domu
I first taught kids to write haiku in 1969. Achieved early retirement from Further Education in 1992. Several books of mainstream poems and haiku, three novels and a range of philosophy books under myown imprint, Hub Editions. Three times editor of Blithe Spirit, the journal of The British Haiku Society, since 1991. I believe that haiku come from outer space inwardly driven. Teacher of the Enneagram when I feel like it.
Chen-ou Liu
English and Chinese
Both versions by the author
on the fenceher black cat looks at me…looking at her
Moon Festival…I open the windowletting out silence
autumn twilighta stray dog sitson my shadow
year’s endI wear my overcoatinside out
Dear Chen, I'm married…sailing a paper airplaneout the window
nine autumns pastthe dog inside my heart stops barking at the moon
Chen-ou Liu was born in Taiwan and emigrated to Canada in 2002, where helives in a suburb of Toronto. He is a contributing writer for Rust+Moth and Haijinx, and his poetry has been published and anthologised worldwide. Read more of his poems at Poetry in the Moment (
L. Costa
Portuguese and English
English translation by the author and Hugh Morgan
bem fundono arenitopegadas
deep inthe sandstonefootprints
L. Costa was born in Brazil almost half a century ago, but has been writing haiku for about two years. An admirer of Daoism and a lover of all arts, he believes the beauty and breadth of haiku stem from their brevity.
Ignatius Fay
English and French
French translation by Guy Ducharme
The Archer
Since early childhood, I have loved archery. At age eight, I got my first bow, essentially a bent strip of wood with a string. The arrows were simple shafts with elementary fletching and suction cups.Across the hall from my bedroom was the bathroom door; I could see through both doors all the way to the window in the far wall. Confined to my bed with pneumonia, when I got bored I’d ask mom to bring me the bow and arrows. From a sitting position in bed, I’d shoot through the open doors and stick the arrows on the window. Licked, the suction cups stuck well and made a poppingsound when pulled from the glass. The bow was so weak that the window was in no danger.While going about her business, mom would collect the arrows and bring them back to me—until one of us tired of the game.
sweltering atticmy homemade slingshotsack of marbles
* * *
Depuis ma tendre enfance, j’ai toujours adoré le tir à l’arc. À huit ans, j’ai eu mon premier arc. C’était essentiellement une mince lame de bois arquée et retenue par une corde et les flèches, de simples tiges munies de petites plumes et d’une ventouse.
En face de ma chambre, il y a avait la porte de la salle de bain. Les deux portes ouvertes, je pouvais voir jusqu’à la fenêtre du mur du fond. Cloué à mon lit à cause d’une pneumonie, je m’ennuyais et demandais à Maman de m’apporter mon arc et mes flèches. Assis dans mon lit, je pouvais lancer les flèches et ellesse collaient à la fenêtre. Bien mouillées de salive, les ventouses adhéraient parfaitement à la vitre et faisaient « ploc » quand on les retirait. L’arc était si faible qu’il n’y avait aucun danger de briser la vitre. Tout en vaquant à ses tâches ménagères, Maman ramassait mes flèches et me les rapportait jusqu’à ce que l’un de nous deux se lasse du jeu.
grenier étouffantmon lance-pierre artisanalsac de billes
Ignatius Fay (Sudbury, Ontario, Canada) is a retired invertebrate palaeontologist who writes short poetry in various Japanese styles. His work has appeared in many respected print and online journals devoted to haiku, tanka and haibun.
Beverley George
English and Japanese
Japanese translations by Mariko Kitakubo, Yoshiko Torii and Nakajima
after you ring offI go to find the moon –like youit's north of hereand just as far away
Translation by Mariko Kitakubo. The title poem for the Tanka Society of America's anthology 'To Find the Moon'.
a lightning strikesplits our old apple tree –I never dreamedthe death that parted uswould not be one of ours
Translation by Mariko Kitakubo. First Place in the Tanka Society of America's Annual International Contest 2006.
waiting for your callI water the walled gardenin autumn duskwhite moths flutter upas uncertain as your love
first frostthe birds that staythe birds that go
Translation by Yoshiko Torii and Nakajima. Special Mention Haiku in Readers' Choice Awards, The Heron's Nest 11:2009.
Beverley George is the past editor of Yellow Moon and founder/editor of Eucalypt: a tanka journal ( Beverley convened the 4th Haiku Pacific Rim Conference, Terrigal, 2009 and was a delegate speaker at previous conferences. Her international first prizes include the British Haiku Society JW Hackett Award 2003; the 3rd Ashiya International Festa 2004, the Tanka Society of America’s International Contest 2006, the Genkissu! World Wide Hekinan Haiku Contest 2009 and the Saigyo Awards 2010. Beverley is a Writing Fellow of the Fellowship of Australian Writers and a past-president of the Haiku Society of Australia.
Damien Gabriels
English and French
English translations by the author
jardin en hiver –les couleurs étenduessur la corde à linge
garden in winter – colours hangingfrom the clothes line
fraîcheur de l'aube –un reste de son parfumsur mon épaule
coolness of dawn –a last trace of her scenton my shoulder
mur au couchant –un insecte inconnuentre nos ombres
wall at sunset –an unknown insectbetween our shadows
Damien Gabriels was born in 1959 in northern France, where he still lives. Discovered haiku in 2001. Member of the French Haiku Association since its establishment in 2003. Publication in anumber of journals, anthologies and websites. Published four personal haiku collections. Personal website, partly in English:
Brane Grgurovič
Slovenian and English
English translation by Alenka Zorman and John Kinory
lepota dveh nogoblečena v črno usnježival je v meni
the beauty of legsin black leather ...the beast in me
Brane Grgurovič lives in Izola, Slovenia. Having graduated and worked as an economist, he hasbeen a fisherman for over 20 years. He started writing haiku in 2007. A collection of 51 of his haiku was published in the Slovenian journal Apokalipsa in 2011.
Kirsty Karkow
English and Japanese
Japanese translations by Aya Yukhi
the neighboursare in sunny Mexicothis gloomy daya handful of their flowersnever will be missed
the kitchen sinkstacked high with dishesalways waitinga little pleasure boattugging at her anchor
puffs of snowblow from the pointed firslight as smokemy lover disappearsin a shawl of sun-lit shards
what to dowith this small spiderin the fruit bowl?foot-long iciclesflash in morning sun
a braided streamcuts through emerald mossreflecting blue –anything could happenin a world filled with such light
Kirsty Karkow lives with her husband in a Danish cottage, conducive to contemplation and poetry, on the shore in Maine, USA. She finds it amazing and is grateful that her work has been published and received awards in many countries. The knowledge and generosity of the haiku/tanka community, with the help of the Internet, have always encouraged her and continue to stimulate.
Mariko Kitakubo
Japanese and English
English translations by Amelia Fielden
how smallI really amhere betweena potato fieldand the wide sky
time slips byand I have lostthe sea's balm ...oh to be once morea kind-hearted woman
are the red-wood treesin the depths of this forestone thousand years old?there is a silencebeyond my hearing
be it as rainor as a starI will prayfor your futureeven when I'm gone
Mariko Kitakubo has published five books of tanka, including two bilingual ones: "On This Same Star" and "Cicada Forest". She has also produced a CD of her tanka, titled "Messages". Mariko is an experienced performer who has presented her poetry on at least eighty occasions, thirty of them overseas. She hopes by this to encourage more poetry lovers worldwide to appreciate and practice tanka.,,
Ola Lindberg
Swedish and English
English translations by the author and John Kinory
porlande vatten – jag försöker minnas hur vi fann varann
murmuring water –I try to rememberhow we found each other
skolavslutninglärarinnan släpper utsitt hår
school is outthe teacher lets downher hair
Ola Lindberg lives in Svarte in south-eastern Sweden. He has a degree in Chinese medicine. Since 1996 he has been working as a table tennis coach in Denmark. His first book, Moon in the Fast Lane, was published in 2011.
Tonka Lovric
Croatian and English
English translations by Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic
nestali horizontnebo je moremore je nebo
erased horizonthe sky is the seathe sea is the sky
velikom slapuotima se letomvodomar
scramblingagainst the waterfalla kingfisher
Tonka Lovric was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and graduated from the Faculty of Law inSplit. She writes poetry, aphorisms, fables and haiku. A collection of her haiku is included in An Unmown Sky: An Anthology of Croatian Haiku Poetry 1996-2007, and in other anthologies and collections abroad.
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu
Romanian and English
English translations by the author
frigul toamneidansatoarea de flamencoîşi ridică rochia
autumn chillthe flamenco dancerrolls up her dress
prima zăpadă –copilul iese afarăîn papuci de catifea
first snow – the child steps outside in velvet slippers
singur la cină – dansatori de menuet pe ceainicul verde
dinner alone –minuet dancerson the green teapot
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu has lived in Bucharest all her life. She began writing poetry in 2007 and haiku in 2010. Her work has appeared in Romanian journals and anthologies, and in Ploc!, Asahi Shimbun and Sketchbook.
Nancy Nitrio
English and Italian
Italian translations by Robert Nitrio
rustling leavesthe scent of gardeniaon my cat’s fur
fruscio delle foglieil profumo di gardeniail pelo del mio gatto
English version first published in The Heron's Nest, IX #3, 9/2007
evening heat—our argumenttries to cool off
la sera riscalda—la nostra discussioneprova a raffreddarsi
English version first published in bottle rockets, X #1, 8/2008
winter night—the taste of snowon his lips
la notte dell’invernoil gusto della nevesulle sue labbra
English version first published in White Lotus #8, Spring/Summer 2009
Nancy has been writing haiku since 2007. Her poetry has appeared in a number of anthologies, journals and online, both in the United States and internationally. She was runner-up in the Snapshot Press Haiku Calendar Contest 2009, and an Honourable Mention in the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Haiku Invitational 2010. She lives with her husband Robert and five cats in theSacramento area of central California. She is an amateur bookbinder and also enjoys practicing ikebana and the art of origami.
Gennady Novoseltcev
Russian and English
English translations by the author
после вечеринкидаже лунашатается
after the partyeven the moonswaying
Рождественский подарок—улыбкапервого снеговика
Christmas gift—the smile ofthe first snowman
Gennady Novoseltcev, a biologist, lives in Petrozavodsk, Russia. His work has appeared in several general poetry and haiku journals.
Polona Oblak
Slovenian and English
English translations by the author
grom iz daljavetolmun se napolniz oblaki
distant thundera pool fillswith clouds
opoldanska vročinavetrič spreminjaoblike senc
midday heata breeze changes the shapesof shadows
pomladni sneg ...izbrišem številkoiz mobilnika
spring snow ...deleting a numberfrom my cell phone
napačne besede ...ko mu ni čas, se cvetodpre v dežju
saying the wrong things ...a blossom out of seasonopens to the rain
valujoče poljevetre sleče barvoz maka
undulating fieldthe wind strips a poppyof its colour
večerno soncegalebova sencapred galebom
evening sunthe gull’s shadowahead of the gull
težki oblakipočasi se obrnežerjav
heavy cloudthe slow turnof the crane
Polona Oblak lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. When not busy making a living at a financial institution, she enjoys outings with her camera and notebook.
Tevž Potočnik
English translations by Alenka Zorman
nad belino zemljepod modrino nebarazprem dlani
between the snowand the blue skyI open my hands
sončno jutrojata lastovk poletiv jesen
morning sunshinea flock of swallows fliesto the autumn
Matjaž Tevž Potočnik is an economist living in Prevalje, Slovenia. For the last 18 years he has been working for charitable organisations. Since 1989 Tevž has published six books of general poetry, and in recent years has also been writing haiku.
Jane Reichhold
English and Japanese
Japanese translations by Aya Yukhi
From Taking Tanka Home
a round trip ticketthe shape of a navelpromises usat the end of this lifewe come back home
riceand for my husband2-3 chestnutsmoon sheds a radianceon the neglected gardens
mountain seamsstitched wildflowerssuch fragilitythat holds the granitetogether and apart
eager for eveningrest and relaxationand a moonso easily led astrayby a small warm hill
for Hatsue-san
going higherthe mountain road disappearsinto a cloudI think of you as blossomsscattered too soon
Jane Reichhold has published over thirty books of her haiku, renga, tanka and translations. Her latest book is Basho: The Complete Haiku. As founder and editor of AHA Books, Jane has also published Mirrors: International Haiku Forum, Geppo, for the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society, and with Werner Reichhold has been co-editing Lynx for Linking Poets since 1992. Lynx went online in 2000 at, the website Jane started in 1995. She has been maintaining the online AHA forum since 2006. Jane lives in California with Werner her husband and a Bengal cat named Buddha.
Stjepan Rožić
Croatian and English
English translations by Djurdja Vukelic-Rožić
iz bareglave žaba i njihovaljubavna pjesma
from the marshthe frogs' headsand their love song
nevidljivi traktorbucno orejesensku maglu
invisible tractorloudly ploughingthe autumn fog
Stjepan Rožić is a retired electrician and amateur musician, writing in Croatian and in the Kajkavian dialect. He is a co-founder of the Three Rivers Haiku Association, Ivanic Grad, and of the International Klostar Ivanic haiku meetings. He has received numerous awards in Croatia and Japan, including Chosen Haiku, The 2nd Mainichi Haiku Contest, Japan (1997); First Prize, 6th Haiku Day Dubravko Ivancan, Krapina - Kajkavian (2004); First Prize, 9th Haiku Day Dubravko Ivancan, Krapina - Croatian (2007). His work has appeared in many published collections and anthologies, in Croatian and in English.
Ernesto Santiago
English and Tagalog
Tagalog translations by the author
sipping green tea…on the antebellum back porch the foraging bees
sumisipsip ng tsaang berde…sa likurang beranda na antebellummga pukyutang naghahanap ng pagkain
a late summer tide… the rising and fallingof a tenor’s voice
taog sa katapusan ng tag-init…ang pagtaas at pagbabang boses ng isang tenor
Ernesto P. Santiago, Filipino, is a haiku lover. Enjoy more of his haiku here:
Edin Saračević
Slovenian and English
English translations by Alenka Zorman
dan samostojnostisnežinke padajopočasneje
Independence Daythe snowflakes fallingmore slowly
navsezgodajje rogač zasedelcelo cesto
early morninga horned beetle occupiesthe whole street
Edin Saračević teaches philosophy in Ljubljana. His haiku have been published in several poetry journals in Slovenia and abroad, including Green Apples and Frogpond. He has won three prizes at Apokalipsa haiku contests, and the second prize at the 2001 Kumamoto International Kusamakura HaikuCompetition. In 2001 he founded the Slovenian high school haiku contest, which has become an annual event. Candy in the Rain is his first haiku collection.
Rafał Zabratyński and Grzegorz Sionkowski
Polish and English
English translation by Rafał Zabratyński
At the Close of Winter / U Schyłku Zimy
(Rafał Zabratyński / Grzegorz Sionkowski)
ociepleniezgubiony rachunekw lekkiej kurtce
warm weatherthe lost billin the light jacket
z kupy brudnego śniegustrużka czystej wody
from the pile of dirty snowa trickle of clear water
odwilżwśród błotnych kałużkopce kretów
thawamong muddy puddlesmolehills
na brzegu chmuryprzysiadła para wróblizapach ziemi
at the edge of the clouda pair of sparrowssmell of soil
na czubku latarniosowiała sroka
at the top of the lamp postindifferent magpie
palce ku niebustrażak strąca sopel loduz dachu
fingers to the skythe fireman knocks an icicleoff the roof
Rafał Zabratyński lives in the Polish town of Rzeszów, where he teaches English in a middle school. In his free time he writes haiku and other short Japanese poetic forms. His poems appear, once in a while, in English and Polish haiku journals. Since 2005 he has been running his personal website at/Wordographs/ ( Creating haiku and mountain trekking are his favourite ways of admiring the world.
Grzegorz Sionkowski is a chemist, living and working in Toruń, Poland. His haiku have been published in English in several international journals and anthologies, winning awards in several haiku contests. He established and runs the project /Haiku po polsku/ (, a group of websites (an educational forum, a small journal and a small anthology) promoting haiku in Polish and gathering together haiku poets from Poland.
Luminita Suse
English and French
French translations by Mike Montreuil
the photographof my grandparentsfractured flutesthe ballad of their boneshymns in mine
la photode mes grands-parents -flûtes fracturéesla ballade de leur osdes hymnes dans les miens
stars strewn all overas if a child went head over heels startling fireflies into vastness
étoiles parseméescomme si un enfant culbutaità la renversebouleversant les luciolesvers l'immensité
Luminita Suse lives in Ottawa, Canada. A software developer by day, shewrites poetry whenever time permits. She is a member of the Haiku Canada, Tanka Canada and Tanka Society of America. Her poetry has appeared in Bywords Quarterly Journal, Ditch Poetry Magazine, The New Stalgica Hymnal, Gusts, Atlas Poetica, Magnapoets, Red Lights, Ribbons, Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka 2010, Moonbathing: A Journal of Women's Tanka and others. One of her poems was shortlisted for the 2010 Descant/Winston Collins Prize for Best Canadian Poem.
Dietmar Tauchner
German and English
Both versions by the author
Revealing the Past
(Haiku in Ghent in Haiku)
1stille Bootsfahrtder Wind beginntmit der Geschichte
1silent boat tripthe wind startsrevealing the past
2alte Stadtmauernwir sind Schattenim Vorübergehen
2old city wallswe are shadowspassing by
3Leie *)Enten beginneneinen uralten Kampf
3Leie *)ducks beginan ancient fight
4Septemberlichtdie Trauerweide trinktaus der Leie
4september lightthe weeping willowdrinks from the Leie
5zarter Regender Fährmann fordertStille ein
5soft rainthe ferryman asksfor silence
6SeptembermorgenVerkehrslärm dringtin die Burgmauern
6september morningtraffic noise piercesthe fortress walls
7die Leie entlangin einem Lagerhausfensterein erregter Mann
7along the Leiein a storefront windowa man aroused
8am Ende des historischen Kanalsein Wolkenkratzer
8at the end of the historic canala skyscraper
9Lachendie Trauerweideund ihr Spiegelbild
9laughterthe weeping willowand its reflection
10Zwielichtdie Silberstatue eines Mannesden ich nicht kenne
10twilightthe silver statue of a mani don't know
11historische Stadtein Arbeiter singteinen Pop-Song
11historic citya worker singsa pop song
12altes Gentdas geheime Lebenin den Gebäuden
12ancient Ghentthe secret lifein the buildings
13mittelalterliche Stadtein Baukranberührt den Himmel
13medieval citya construction cranetouches the sky
14September lichthinter Fensterfassaden ein Hauchalter Welten
14september lightbehind broken windows a touchof ancient worlds
*) ein Fluss durch Gent *) a river flowing through Ghent
Dietmar Tauchner, born 1972 in Austria, lives and works in Puchberg and Vienna. He is editor of the Austrian-based international Haiku Web magazine Chrysanthemum, and has co-directed four short haiku films. Dietmar’s work has appeared in magazines and anthologies worldwide. His awards include: first prize at the International Haiku Contest in Ludbreg, Croatia 2004; third prize at the Kusamakura International Haiku Competition, 2005 & 2009; the Naji Naaman "Creativity Prize" in Lebanon 2009; twice the "Scorpion Prize" for the best haiku published in Roadrunner; first prize of the Haiku International Association (HIA) in Tokyo 2008.
Djurdja Vukelic-Rožić
English translations by the author
daleki vatrometi –on baca kamenčićepo jezeru
distant fireworks -he skims stonesacross the lake
Djurdja Vukelic-Rožić was born in 1956 and lives in Ivanic Grad, Croatia. She is the editor-in-chief of the haiku magazine IRIS. In addition to haiku, she writes general poetry, humorous sketches and short stories.
Klaus-Dieter Wirth
German and English
Both versions by the author
in einer Tassewohl zubereitetdie Ruhe des Tees
in a cupwell preparedthe quietness of tea
über den Gräserndie Sichel des Mondeses duftet nach Heu
over the grasslandthe sickle of the moon –smell of hay
Klaus-Dieter Wirth is a retired linguist and teacher, sharing his time between Viersen near Düsseldorf and Burg, a wine-growing village on the Moselle. He is an active member of several haiku societies internationally, with numerous publications in haiku journals and awards in competitions. His quadrilingual haiku book Zugvögel/Migratory Birds/Oiseaux migrateurs/Aves migratorias was published recently.
Akiko Yosano
Japanese and English
English translations by Machiko Kobayashi and Jane Reichhold
Poems from Midaregami
Published in The Tanka Journal, 37:2010
see the poemswho denies a bright redto field flowersa girl is also attractivewith her sin of scarlet
今はゆかむ さらばと云ひし夜の神の
better go nowGood-bye says night godas I toywith his robe's hemmy hair gets wet
the god of autumntrailing from his sacred clothesa white rainbowhas vanished into the browof the young woman in love
Akiko Yosano (1878-1942) was the pen-name of Hô Shô, one of the most controversial post-classical female Japanese poets; a pioneering feminist, pacifist and social reformer.
Alenka Zorman
Slovenian and English
English translations by the author
jesensko soncemeditacijav lotosovem cvetu
autumn sunshinemeditationin lotus position
nedeljsko jutroptice molčijov prvi slani
Sunday morningthe silence of birdsin the first frost
pri dentistupacientkin pogledna pogorje
at the dentista patient’s viewof the mountain range
Alenka is a retired jurist living in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She has been writing haiku for many years, and has been president of the Haiku Club of Slovenia and editor of its journal Letni casi (Seasons). Her work has been featured worldwide, and she has published and edited several haiku books.Alenka has won awards in haiku contests in Slovenia, Croatia and Japan.
See her work at and at
Rafał Zabratyński and Grzegorz Sionkowski
Polish and English
English translation by Rafał Zabratyński
At the Close of Winter / U Schyłku Zimy
(Rafał Zabratyński / Grzegorz Sionkowski)
ociepleniezgubiony rachunekw lekkiej kurtce
warm weatherthe lost billin the light jacket
z kupy brudnego śniegustrużka czystej wody
from the pile of dirty snowa trickle of clear water
odwilżwśród błotnych kałużkopce kretów
thawamong muddy puddlesmolehills
na brzegu chmuryprzysiadła para wróblizapach ziemi
at the edge of the clouda pair of sparrowssmell of soil
na czubku latarniosowiała sroka
at the top of the lamp postindifferent magpie
palce ku niebustrażak strąca sopel loduz dachu
fingers to the skythe fireman knocks an icicleoff the roof
Rafał Zabratyński lives in the Polish town of Rzeszów, where he teaches English in a middle school. In his free time he writes haiku and other short Japanese poetic forms. His poems appear, once in a while, in English and Polish haiku journals. Since 2005 he has been running his personal website at /Wordographs/ ( haiku and mountain trekking are his favourite ways of admiring the world.
Grzegorz Sionkowski is a chemist, living and working in Toruń, Poland. His haiku have been published in English in several international journalsand anthologies, winning awards in several haiku contests. He established and runs the project /Haiku po polsku/ (,a group of websites (an educational forum, a small journal and a small anthology) promoting haiku in Polish and gathering together haiku poets from Poland.